Arcaro Law Group

Your Compassionate Sunrise, FL Family Law Attorney

Finding it difficult to get timesharing for your child? Let us help you present your case and help you build your relationship with your child.

Children are almost always entangled in any family legal disputes you might find yourself in. Whether it is a divorce or separation, or unmarried parents not seeing eye to eye at the end of it, the parents must settle on a custody arrangement or a parenting Plan.

With the parenting plan, each parent is guaranteed a right to the minimum time with their child as it's set out in the plan. Like in other states, child custody cases are pretty common, but as you might notice, there are differences in the cases in Florida, not just in the names but also in some of the procedures and outcomes.

At the Arcaro Law Group, we have been helping families come up with agreeable timesharing and parenting plans to ensure they both stay in the lives of their children, and as your family lawyer, it is our duty to ensure you understand the law in Sunrise, FL and how they will affect your case.

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Legal Custody Vs Parental Responsibility

Family Lawyer Sunrise Florida

Legal custody and parental responsibility are the same thing in Florida. According to state law, parents have the right to make crucial decisions on behalf of their children. These decisions include issues that touch on the child’s education, health and well-being. The parents also have the right to decide how their child spends their  extracurricular time, among other factors in their lives.

The right to make these decisions is what is referred to as legal custody. If the parents share legal custody, they each have the right to contribute and participate in the decision. However, if one parent has sole custody, they can make decisions without notifying or getting input from the other parent. However, in Florida, the default is shared parental responsibility, so both parents get to make the critical decisions.

Physical Custody Vs. Timesharing

Other terms you’re likely to come across when dealing with a child custody case are physical custody and timesharing.

It is essential for children to remain in one home most of the time, which provides them with continuity and stability. For this, the court will designate a custodial parent who has the parent most of the time, which equates to physical custody.

Timesharing, on the other hand, refers to the time the child spends with each parent. The times can be equal or can be varied depending on how the courts see fit.

Types Of Custody Arrangements In Florida

There are four different types of custody arrangements you can pursue in Sunrise, FL, with the help of your family lawyer:

  • Sole Physical Custody:
    In sole physical custody, one of the parents gets to live with the child most of the time while the other parent gets visitation rights.
  • Joint Physical Custody:
    Joint physical custody allows both parents to have custody of the child for significant chunks of time after their separation or divorce. The plan is set out in a way that each parent has equal amounts of time with the child.
  • Sole Legal Custody:
    If one parent has sole legal custody, they have the legal authority to make major decisions on the child’s upbringing. Sole legal custody is common when one parent is considered unable or unfit to make decisions for the child.
  • Joint Legal Custody:
    In joint legal custody, both parents have the right to make decisions regarding the child’s well-being. This type of custody is important because it promotes a more stable environment and harmonious environment for the child.

How Do The Courts Decide On Legal Custody Or Parental Responsibility?

Family Lawyer Sunrise Florida

In Sunrise, FL, the default is that parents share legal and physical custody. They also have joint responsibilities unless the courts find that this is not in the child’s best interests.

If the parents dispute the parenting plan, the court has to make a decision based on what is best for the child. Seeking family law services can help you present your case in the best possible way to the court. When making this decision, the judge will consider various factors such as:

  • The living arrangement of each parent
  • Whether there is history of child neglect
  • Where each parent lives (geographical location)
  • The parent's physical and mental conditions
  • The child’s preferences.

The judge can also consider other factors beyond these. It is the duty of your family law attorney to present your case and ensure the judge sees things from your perspective.

Keep Your Right To A Close and Continuing Relationship With The Child

Arcaro Law Group, Sunrise, FL

Are you worried about losing timesharing after a divorce or separation? The Arcaro Law Group in Sunrise, FL, can help!

Our attorneys have over 35 years of experience specializing in family law, which they bring to each custody case they handle. As your family lawyer near me, we will help you understand your options and help you continue building that special bond with your child. Call us today at (954) 546-7280 to get started on your fight to continue being in your child’s life.

Office Location

Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorney
24 SE 20th St
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Phone:(954) 546-7280

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